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Delfino Trio


Not everybody is a multi-instrumentalist, so many singers and songwriters need a band to play and record their songs. Likewise, not everybody is a seasoned songwriter, so they may struggle to come up with ideas despite their love of music and playing. And not everybody is a sound engineer or a producer, so they don’t have access to the knowledge and equipment needed to get their music written and recorded to a professional level.


This is where we come in. D3P can:

* work with you to write songs;

* expand your ideas into complete songs;

* record, mix and master your songs; and,

* provide any additional instrumentation and singing you may need.

Making music not only requires a lot of time and expense, but also knowledge and experience. Delfino Trio Productions (D3P) helps singers and other musicians write and record their musical ideas to create complete, professional sounding songs, albums and soundtracks.

This personalised approach allows us to learn what matters to you, that way we can help you to make your musical statement honest and heartfelt.


At D3P, all recording, mixing and mastering is done in-house, saving you the expense of having to hire expensive recording studios, producers, sound engineers and session musicians. It also saves you the expense and time of having to buy and to learn to use different instruments and software/hardware to make your own music.


Got a song you want to record? Contact us!

Need help writing a song? Contact us!

Need impartial opinions on your music and professional advice? Contact us!


We are open to all ideas in all genres. Let’s make some music!

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